Weekly Update Beg. 20/11/23

I get a lot of texts asking me what I’m up to and I’m really trying to stay present in real life at the moment and off my phone, as otherwise, days could float by with a screen and a keypad. honestly, even my notebook and a pen could see me happy in my own world for too long. I have to always remain conscious of hyper fixating because the second I exit my room to the world, it’s generally pretty sweet, or at least, iconic.

So, instead of keeping everything I think and write in the confines of whatever work pad I’ve been given on my first day in a new office, I may share some here and there. And t’s handy to have a link for loved ones, or curious ones - I wish more people I loved/admired had links.

It’s the weird reality of the world we live in where sometimes we aren’t physically together, yet we’re all so accessible to one another by some telecommunication piece of junk in space orbiting the world. Like really THINK about that. Perplexing. RIGHT?!

Although, the question begs, should we be accessible at any god given time of the day? Absolutely not. And that’s a whole other 230 page long answer (I believe the term for this is ~book~ ). Will I still capitalise on the access to information the internet provides? Yes. And I think if that’s what we want - then we should, it’s just all about finding the balance that’s healthy for our best selves.

So, anyway, here’s my link, my blog.

Recent weekly updates/wins:

  • Recently, I’ve been getting way better with saying how I feel in the moment. But that’s still a HUGEEEEE #WIP. I’ve also been really into voice memoing recently to help this journey. GREAT and cathartic way to learn how to communicate one’s own emotions in a more timely manner rather than being in my head til I can be at home in bed with a pen and paper to process. Shout out to my girl (she doesn’t know she’s my girl, but she’s my girl) Jeanette McCarthy for this one. Proud of this one regardless.

  • cutting down social media time to 20mins a day yet

  • Cooking grind - In the wise words of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, can’t stop, won’t stop, addicted to the shindig. Most specifically, Indian cuisine…… Ah Indian cuisine. Where do I begin? My love for you could never grow thin. With spices and herbs, you make my chakras sing. Potato into gold, forever I behold, my love for you - Indian cuisine. But seriously. Economically efficient? TICK. Healthy and delicious and nourishing and so many vego sustainable recipes? TICK TICK. FUN AND AROMATIC PROCESS? TICK TICK BOOM!!!!

  • the smell of rain, mini rain poem slam incominggggg: the rain may call, for the comforting warmth of fleece, an early slumber to the tap dance of water’s feet, but to exit the house open’s much more than one door, sweet faces you’ll meet, and free bread you will eat - the joy of connection, forevermore.

    • context: went for a walk in the rain and met cool people/got free bread/the bread was phenomenal - This has weirdly happened to me twice in two different cities now I’m thinking about it……

  • headaches in the process of emotional processing = eye roll but necessary call to rest

  • boundaries <33333

  • 2024 travel planssssss WOOOOOOOO. As a book I’m currently reading quotes and inspires, “Evolution intended us to be travellers… Settlement for any length of time, in cave or castle, has at best been…. a drop in the ocean of evolutionary time.”

  • Physical maps being more thrilling than the TV screen (did not see this one coming for me)

  • letting go of toxic people, without feeling the need to comfort them through the process? #GROWTHQUEEN

  • accepting things as they come, holding space for the sadness hard things require to process

  • not living in constant distraction. Side note: My biggest lesson this year, is that you can think you’ve processed something but in fact, you may have just intellectualised it.

  • quarter life crisis obsession? Is that toxic of me? Like I’m obsessed with having my own. It’s just huge for me in kick-starting spiritual transformation and growth, so I’d like if we could normalise all age crisis’ please - like why can Craig break down at 50 and buy a Ferrari without the bat of an eyelid but I can’t quit my job and take time for life evaluation without my parents thinking I’m on the brink? (We actually do know the root cause of this and I’m complaining for comical effect).

  • on the topic of my last point, letting go of need for validation more and more every day, every year

  • learning about pacific island ecology, genealogy and culture/history. Current fave learnings from the descendants of Polynesian voyagers.

  • consistently awesome interactions with public outings (most recent highlight: I am being taught French/how to make croissants and the best rye bread I have ever eaten in my life by an awesome couple called Farouk and Imane at the local bakery after a great chat about our shared French Lebanese background - I am really excited to know how to make croissants for myself, but also because one of my fave people in the world LOVES croissants and imagine when I am reunited with them after over nearly two years physically apart and we get to make a CROISSANT TOGETHER?! What’s funny is this isn’t even the first time I’ve ended up cooking with the owner of a food establishment that I’ve eaten at before. Seriously, I love being a curious kitty - opens so many doors. )

  • bird sounds are like constant injections of pure dopamine - recent admiration (turned from fear) for magpies.

  • flora and fauna - never. gets. old

    • on this, there are not enough songs out there about inanimate objects that aren’t for children, am I going to have to be the one to change this guys? Like obviously I honour our queen Lorde’s solar power album, but I need more of that. And I don’t know how to sing properly/write songs properly.

  • my daily morning bowl of oats, yoghurt and seasonal fruits (or at least oats+ banana), like that’s luxury, I can’t believe I get to eat it pretty much every day. if anyone wants my lush recipe just DM me (it’s 1/2 cup oats with cinnamon and water for 10mins ish)

  • meditation <333333, I feel really grateful for vipassana.

  • ANIMATED MOVIES. If anyone knows me, they know my love and deep appreciation for animation movies goes well beyond the surface. And it only grows and grows and grows the more I learn about the broader world (re-watched lilo and stitch last night, and what a gentle, beautiful and intelligent multi-faceted medium to remind society to accept people as they are, my younger self felt SO seen). Plus, that start sequence lives so comfortably in my memory - the one with the melodic backtrack of He Mele No Lilo, to the sweet visuals of Lilo swimming in the reef’s palace for all aquatic animals, to feed pudge that yummo white bread peanut butter sandwich. Now that’s the level of bliss I now know, and am maintaining in 2024.

  • Lin Manuel Miranda

  • Lin Manuel Miranda

  • Did I say, Lin Manuel Miranda?

  • learning something about myself to cultivate and work on further in every relationship that begins and ends

  • reflecting, holding myself accountable, but forgiving myself with compassion. Knowing that by owning our actions where we should, we can actually right our wrongs?!

  • the beach always. and recently realising I don’t have to swim in it to be able to appreciate it EQUALLY. To swim in the ocean when she is open to it. Like let’s respect her boundaries too guys.

  • creeks and forrest. Nothing beats the smell of fresh wood, grass and water YUM YUM YUM!!!!!

  • soft sun (approx that 3-4pm hit, yum, delicious, warms my heart and soul)

  • clean drinking water - lucky <3

  • my room - lucky x 5

  • film festivals

  • dance parties (location: my room) - just realised how Facebook status 2012 this sounds.

  • team. sports. - insert thesis length text I sent someone about the documentary Next Goal Wins (now a Hollywood level blockbuster).

    • Extra love when it’s female sporting teams

  • that ageing isn’t scary and it’s so so so so so so so so so sooooooooo beautiful. give me every grey hair for every story I have lived (many)

  • reading reviews on Woolworths products is both iconic and also enlightening of the human experience - I ended up here by accident but I’m not mad about it

  • looking like I’ve aged 20 years and then been rebirthed after breath work (pic below in headband)

That’s all for now folks!!!!!!


The returning rant for blogging